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Cherish Gold Collagen Peel Off Mask 60g / 2 Oz

Anti Aging Anti Wrinkle Anti Acne & Anti Toxin

This mask has been specially formulated and enriched with collagen and is antimicrobial to help reduce wrinkles, replace moisture, and increase collagen and elastin. In addition to these vital qualities, this mask also removes blackheads and clears acne, aiding in the reduction of premature aging and skin toning. This Deep cleansing peel-off mask is an effective pore cleanser that leaves your skin soft and clean.Finally, this combination of ingredients also helps to work against the signs of aging while providing smoothness by removing the dead skin cells. This mask is a perfect mask to use as a pre-event mask as skin looks instantly beautiful as the mask leaves you with a dewy and blemish-free glow.

Targets: Blackheads, Acne Scars, Wrinkles & Enlarged Pores, and boost collagen production.